Faculty Profiles

Our faculty come to MScISM from the world’s top universities and bring years of business experience working with prominent companies in various industries. At HKUST, you’ll learn from professors committed to nurturing innovative leaders and turning your business ideas into a reality. 


Our faculty members serve on editorial boards of leading information systems and technology management journals, including Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, and Journal of Management Information Systems. Their research is regularly published in respected, peer-reviewed journals around the world.


Many of our faculty members have won the Franklin Prize for Individual Excellence in Teaching. ISOM, the host department of the MScISM program, has also been awarded the Franklin Prize for Best Overall Teaching by a Department. In our classrooms, you will work alongside faculty with a proven track record of inspiring students and cultivating student success.

Industry Collaborations

Apart from staying at the forefront of academia, our faculty maintain close connections with the rapidly changing business world. MScISM professors have consulted on technology management projects and provided executive education for companies such as:

  • China Construction Bank
  • China Mobile
  • China Telecom
  • CITIC Group
  • HSBC
  • IBM
  • iMedia
  • Credit Suisse
  • 3 Hong Kong
Prof. Kar Yan TAM Dean and Chair Professor (PhD, Purdue University)Research interests: Web personalization; customer relationship management; innovation adoption
Prof. Kai Lung HUI Acting Head of Department and Chair Professor (PhD, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)Research interests: Cybercrime economics and policy; information privacy; fintech; electronic commerce
Prof. James THONG Chair Professor (PhD, National University of Singapore)Research interests: User acceptance of IT innovations; IT in small businesses; computer ethics; human-computer interaction
Prof. Theodore H K CLARK Associate Professor (DBA, Harvard University)Research interests: IT strategy; inter-organizational systems; process re-design; e-commerce
Prof. Yan XU Professor (PhD, University of Strathclyde)Research interests: Corporate management; competitive strategy and regulatory policy of telecommunications
Prof. Hong XU Associate Professor (PhD, University of Texas, Austin)Research interests: Strategic information communication; auditing; supply chain management; user-generated content; online reputation; game theory
Prof. Xiaojun ZHANG Associate Professor (PhD, University of Arkansas)Research interests: Implementation of knowledge management systems and job outcomes; social networks and culture; IT and healthcare
Prof. Rong ZHENG MScISM Academic Director and Associate Professor(PhD, New York University)Research interests: Predictive modeling for business intelligence; computational text analysis; social network analytics
Prof. Yanzhen CHEN Assistant Professor (PhD, University of Texas, Austin)Research interests: FinTech innovation in financial services; social media and labor market; healthcare management
Prof. Tat Koon KOH Associate Professor (PhD, Carnegie Mellon University)Research interests: Digital economy; digital marketing; open innovation and crowdsourcing; platform design and strategy; tech start-ups
Prof. Dongwon LEE Associate Professor (PhD, University of Maryland)Research interests: Online consumer behavior; health IT; user experience; IT based service innovation; strategic IT alignment; social network services
Prof. Jing WANG Associate Professor (PhD, New York University)Research interests: Crowdsourcing; web-based behavioral experiments; user-generated content; social networks; data mining
Prof. Yi YANG Associate Professor (PhD, Northwestern University)Research interests: Machine learning; data mining
Prof. Garvin Percy DIAS Associate Professor of Business Education (PhD, Fudan University)Research interests: IT auditing; network management; mobile computing; electronic commerce; web-based information systems; intelligent computing
Prof. Jeevan JAISINGH Associate Professor of Business Education (PhD, Purdue University)Research interests: Information security; piracy and open source software; project management; innovation management
Prof. James KWOK Associate Professor of Business Education (PhD, University of London)Research interests: Copyright and intellectual property protection; Internet security; e-commerce applications